Saturday, December 27, 2008


I just got off the phone with Lina at the Ghost Town Cafe to give her the address to this blog so she could post it in the newsletter and get some bloggers for me. Lina was real busy at the time as nobody showed up for work today and it was just Peter and herself at the cafe. Lina is a very unique person and has enriched my life in so many ways. There is never a boring moment when she is around. Lina is married to Peter and he is from England. They are a good match for opposites attract.I am going to call Lina again this afternoon and see what plans they have for New Year's Eve. I wish mine was going to be in Terlingua at the Boat House but, not this year. :(


  1. Hi
    My name is Rich, from MN. I'm trying to get word to a guy named Nick K. (he hangs around a guy named Tom). He is/was working at the cafe. He needs to contact his parents. They have been trying to contact him in regards to the passing of his grandfather.

    I talked Nick's folks on Xmas Eve, perhaps they have talked to him since then (maybe he is one of the AWOL, due to this family situation). If so, I apologize for this note on your new blog. I will, however, be checking on it from time to time to see what is going on in the Ghost Town.

  2. Rich, I talked to my sister Lina at the Ghost Town Cafe and she said that Nick does work at the cafe and he is aware of his grandfathers passing. Lina will have him contact his parents today.

  3. Thanks much.

    Have a Happy New Year!
